
Improve Your Child’s Self-Confidence with Karate
Karate is an ancient Japanese martial arts form that became popular worldwide during the 1960s, and today for the vast majority of…

The Importance of Developing a Child’s Focus
One of the most common problems that many children have is in focusing on particular tasks for long periods of time. Developing…

How to Develop Independence in Your Child
Among the challenges and joys of parenthood are raising, providing for, and taking care of a young child. Parents develop intensely strong…

Helping Children Develop Self-Control
When a child throws a tantrum in the middle of a grocery store or a theater, the spectacle can be extremely frustrating…

Developing an Attitude of Positivity in Your Child
In life, everyone faces ups and downs all the time. Very rarely do things go exactly according to the plans that we…

The Importance of Building a Pre-Schooler’s Fine and Gross Motor Skills
One of the first questions many parents ask during the early years of parenthood is how to develop their child, such that…

Building a Child’s Concentration
As an adult performing complex tasks, like studying in college or managing home finances, it is all too easy to take for…

Train for Escape from a Car-Jacking with Martial Arts
While crime rates have continued to decline across the country over the last decade, particularly when it comes to homicide, assault and…

Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Techniques
Individuals take martial arts training for a multitude of reasons. Some do it simply to get physically fit. Others prefer it as…

Martial Arts Confidence Keeps Children Secure
There is absolutely no doubt that confidence can go a long way in providing a sense of – and a posture of…